i hope this finds you well

Sabine Pendry
Fri 14 Mar ’25 and Sat 15 Mar ’25
A ballad. A call into the void and a struggle for the right words.
Fri 14 Mar ’25
Sat 15 Mar ’25

A young woman sits in a strange room and types a letter to a nameless recipient. Her words fly across the screen, and her voice floats in empty space. She sings aloud what she cannot type and types what she cannot sing, always searching for the right angle. What emerges is a call into the void, an attempt to tune in, and a struggle for the right words.

A music-theatre piece following a correspondence between a present body and an absent body. The desire to transmit across a vast distance becomes an act of will, an adrenaline-fueled game that blurs the line between the real and the imagined. 

This work combines voice, music, and typed text to explore loss, delusion, and the lengths we go to create meaning in the face of absence.

i hope this finds you well was previously performed during Amsterdam Fringe 2024. 

  • Duration: 50 min.


music composition, lyrics, text, concept, direction and performance Sabine Pendry sound design, live electronics and co-composition Arieh Chrem dramaturgy Ari Teperberg light design, scenography Erik van de Wijdeven

In the press

"“Desperately she seeks contact, but with whom and how do you do that? Pendry has courageously poured our digital world into a poetic fifty-minute attempt.” Het Parool

About the maker

Sabine Pendry is an American performer, theatremaker, vocalist and sound artist based in Amsterdam. She obtained an MFA from the re:Master Opera program at the Sandberg Instituut in 2024, and studied Classical Voice at Fontys Academy of Music and Performing Arts under Margriet van Reisen. Her practice moves between performance for theatre and film, (play)writing, singing, and composing.

As a maker Sabine relies on the intimacy of the sung voice, the lyricism of language and stark stage images to create peculiar and immersive worlds. She is interested in the subjective, interior, and poetic forms of reality, and uses fiction to investigate the humor and meaning in themes of eeriness, grief, the existential, and the absurd. Her pieces are often concerned with and propelled by various forms of excess, driving semantics to the point of overkill and hilarity. She likes characters who cannot help but want things they cannot have. 

Sabine’s music is primarily driven by voice and electronic composition. She is influenced by folkloric melodies, chants, and experimental techniques as well as more traditional forms of opera and musical theatre, treating the voice as an intimate, volatile extension of the body.