

The work of Rotterdam-based Gavin-Viano radiates social urgency. Through his grassroots initiatives, he tackles themes relevant to the black community, the human rights community, the LGBTQIA+ community and vulnerable young people.

In 2021, he presented his first Frascati production, the trilogy Ach Mijn Wederhelftand June 2022 Bloodscent premiered.

His newest work at Frascati Producties, about the inner child and healing trauma, is called Multiversum (2023).


Gavin-Viano graduated as a director from the Toneelacademie Maastricht in the summer of 2020. In the same year, his graduation performance Ach Mijn Wederhelft was awarded the DNA Next Stimuleringsprijs. During his studies, he was assistant director at Toneelgroep Oostpool and part-time research advisor at VSBfonds. Before attending the Directing Program, Gavin-Viano developed his skills at Codarts Rotterdam Dance Academy and received scholarships for The New York Film Academy.

As a dancer and actor, he has performed in Grease (Vorst Nationaal), Yab Yum (Koninklijk Carré), Rocky Das Musical (Stage Entertainment Hamburg) and the political production Ragtime Das Musical (Staatstheater Kassel, Braunschweig and Oper Graz). Gavin-Viano develops his work at VIA ZUID, IMPACT, and Frascati Productions.

The work of Rotterdam-based Gavin-Viano radiates social urgency. Through his grass roots initiatives, he tackles themes relevant to the black community, the human rights community, the LGBTQIA+ community and vulnerable young people. With his performances, he wants to offer recognition and bring about insight, thereby making Dutch theatre more accessible to these communities that until now have not necessarily been given a voice there. He does this by telling non-Western stories, often choosing an anti-white-male-gaze as his perspective and consciously looking for the intersectionality of his characters. In this way, he creates a world where language, movement and music flow together into a whole and where humour forms the cement between the building blocks.

In early October 2020, his A Plastic State Of Mind was performed during the Town Tales festival at Frascati. In 2021, he presents his first Frascati production, the trilogy Ach Mijn Wederhelft.

In 2022 his second Frascati-production Bloodscent followed. A layered and performative show about a young woman healing from trauma, played by Pricess Bangura.

His newest work Multiversum (2023) is a musical, visual production on the power of the childlike imagination and the value of perspective in healing trauma. What happens to imagination and the openness of the inner child when adults have to follow the well-trodden paths? Can we re-appropriate child’s play in order to free ourselves?  



"Smachtende liefdesliedjes van zelfbewuste zanger Gavin-Viano"
★★★★ NRC over Able to Fuck Love

"De regisseur overdondert het publiek met ideeën en dilemma’s en schept met een happening-achtige sfeer ruimte om erover in gesprek te gaan."
NRC over Ach Mijn Wederhelft

"Ik bevraag de codes van het theater"
Interview in Het Parool

''We zien de drie overleden levensgidsen als witte verschijningen (gespeeld door Sharifa Smith, NØËL en Cèlion Kerk) in een mysterieus wit doekdecor dat alle kanten op zwaait en waait. In combinatie met de bijzondere belichting (Wes Broersen), waardoor de vertelster soms in een gevangenis lijkt te zijn beland of zich in de schaduw probeert te verbergen, levert dat een magisch en soms beklemmend mooi beeld op.''
Theaterkrant (Keuze van de Criticus) over Bloodscent

''(...) En dat alles komt terug in de dynamische performance van hoofdrolspeelster Princess Isatu Hassan Bangura. Waar we geneigd zijn heling te beschouwen in termen van zachtheid en een innerlijke reis, toont zij dat dat proces ook woest, getergd en extatisch kan zijn.''
Het Parool over Bloodscent

"Theater om de kloof tussen zwart en wit te dichten"
Human over Melanine Ten Strengste Verboden
