© Bunker Theaterzaken

Micha Wertheim Festival: Triage - een gesprek over activisme en theater

Noam Shuster-Eliassi (ISR), Mark Thomas (VK) en Micha Wertheim
Wed 14 May ’25 18:30
Micha talks with Noah Shuster-Eliassi and Mark Thomas about the role of the artist.
Wed 14 May ’25
  • Wed 14 May ’25
    Frascati, Amsterdam
    Frascati 1

In the week that Micha Wertheim premieres his new show Nergens Anders at Frascati, he also presents a specially curated program. A true festival with a selection of performances and activities that, according to him, absolutely deserve your attention. One of these is the triage in which Micha talks with Noah Shuster-Eliassi and Mark Thomas about the role of the artist.

Micha about this talk:

“When can an artist no longer stay on the sidelines?

More than once, I have argued that the duty of theatre-makers is to remain outside of morality. Particularly in a world in which everything is political, it’s important to fight for a space where dangerous ideas can be developed, where it’s possible to chase your imagination, and where you as the audience are free to examine uncomfortable ideas without this having moral consequences. I didn’t think it would be a good idea to abuse such a space for activist purposes. Theatre-makers have an obligation to not be led up the garden path by a desire to say something with an activist intent. A bit like doctors, who swear an oath to help all patients, without first asking who they are and what they stand for. Doctors should be outside of morality, and just heal people.

But what if all hell breaks loose and not every patient can be helped? Then, difficult choices have to be made. This process of making choices and compromises is called triage.”