Residentie: A Very Last Song

Reza Mirabi / Frascati Producties
Sat 2 Nov ’24 18:30
An attempt to find meaning in the language of birds.
Sat 2 Nov ’24
  • Sat 2 Nov ’24
    Frascati, Amsterdam
    Studio 2
    Past event

During his residency at Frascati Producties, Reza Mirabi is working on a new project tentatively titled A Very Last Song. On Saturday, November 2, the initial findings of the research will be presented.

The research for A Very Last Song starts from a 14-second video of the last bird of its species singing for a mate who will never come. The project is thinking with Attar of Nishapur’s 12th-century poem Mantiq ut-Tayr and the stories of bird watchers Mandy and Lara Sirdah in Gaza, alongside New Delhi bird doctor Nadeem Shehzad, engaging with personal, ecological, and socio-political narratives through the language of birds. 

  • Location: Studio 2, Nes 71
  • Only accessible via stairs, not wheelchair accessible
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 30 min.

About Reza Mirabi

Choreographer, visual artist, and storyteller Reza Mirabi is an artist whose work spans ecological and socio-political projects in Europe and the SWANA region. With a Fine Arts degree from the University of Mumbai (2012) and an MA in Choreography from DAS Choreography, Amsterdam (2021), his practice is rooted in the belief that every place, being, and material inherently tells a story.

Reza seeks different forms of listening as a way to engage in conversations with the (im)mediate world—verbal and non-verbal, embodied and cosmic—to weave us into more-than-human narratives. Amidst today’s unbearable political, social, ecological, and psychological collapse, Reza seeks ways and moments to remind each other of the imaginary.