No More! White Money

Abhishek Thapar / Afra Tafri in coproductie met Flinn Works, Ada Mukhina, Drama Queen en Tutùolá Institute
Fri 15 Nov ’24 and Sat 16 Nov ’24
A performance criticizing money from European funding institutions to artists around the world.
Fri 15 Nov ’24
Sat 16 Nov ’24

No More! White Money is a participatory performance about money, art and power. Six independent artists from India, Nigeria, Russia, the Netherlands and Germany expose the neo-colonial structure of contemporary arts funding.

We observe the flow of White Money from European funding institutions to artists around the world. White Money dictates aesthetics, access and mobility for artists within and beyond Europe - and yet this performance would not exist without it. Do we sell ourselves, our ideas and our aesthetics to the discourse decided by a random jury or the latest director of an institution? How do we co-create, acknowledging our unequal positions in the world and our complicity with white money? In No More! White Money, together with the audience, we enter the playing field and invent some new rules of the game. We playfully dissect the strings attached to white money and patiently master each visa interview. The temperature on the stage is dipping, the energy bills are rising, the algorithms are deepening the divides, and we need to redistribute our wealth now. Are you ready to say goodbye to your white money? For the sake of art?




gemaakt door Aderemi Adegbite, Anuja Ghosalkar, Konradin Kunze, Ada Mukhina, Sophia Stepf, Abhishek Thapar makers en performers Susana Alonso techniek Berlijn Ester Bernart techniek Nederland Marit Buchmeier en & Lisanne Grotz, xplus3 Produktionsbüro productieleiding Duitsland Mathias Drücker consultant Energiebeleid Mara Noto publiekswerker Nederland Job Rietvelt (Creative Producer Nederland), Shreyan Saraswat stagiair Juliette Talakua productieleider Nederland Maja Zagórska artistieke medewerker Berlijn Een productie van Flinn Works en Afra Tafri Creations cocreatie Drama Queen, Instituut Tutùọlá, Ada Mukhina gefinancierd door Berlijns Senaatsdepartement voor Cultuur en Sociale Cohesie, Fonds Darstellende Künste met fondsen van de Federale Regeringscommissaris voor Cultuur en Media binnen het programma NEUSTART KULTUR. ondersteund door het Fonds Podiumkunsten met steun van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden middels de Nederlandse ambassade in Berlijn coproductiepartners Sophiensæle Berlijn, Grand Theatre Groningen, Nirdigantha, Oerol Festival