Listening to Stone Beings

Reza Mirabi
Tue 19 Nov ’24 and Wed 20 Nov ’24
Performance at the intersection of storytelling, music, and chorography.
Tue 19 Nov ’24
Wed 20 Nov ’24

In Listening to Stone Beings, Reza Mirabi meticulously reconstructs a memory of his childhood, weaving mythological narratives and fiction, with personal experience, and political contingencies into alternative timelines of Iran, Kurdistan, and its Diaspora over the last century all the way to the Woman Life Freedom Revolution today.

First a farmer in Kermanshah Province in East Kurdistan and then a plumber in the South of Tehran, Javad developed a form of vascular dementia late in his life. A slow period over several years in which Javad uses less and less words, becomes more and more distant, and seems as if stuck between times.

A decade after his death now, Reza still hears his grandfather’s voice through several reoccurring memories as if Javad keeps trying to tell him something. With 7 stones, a piece of thread, a few stories, a song, a scent, melodies of a cello, rhythms of a tombek, electronics, and field recordings from his phone, Reza now tries to reconstruct these memories of his grandfather in an attempt to decipher what his message might be.

By tracing threads from Past to Present, Reza Mirabi inevitably confronts political and social realities that have deviated not just his own and his family’s but the narratives of millions of people.Now that we are at the end of the rope, how can we find radically different ways to move on from here? Now that this moment invites us to be in protest - how can our ways of protest relate directly to the complexities of our times?

  • Spoken language: English
  • Duration: 45 min


choreography writing, dance Reza Mirabi cello Sheng-Chiun Lin percussion Khaled Abdou electronics Kujo/Karl Chouery coproduction Julidans x WhyNot supported by BAU- House for Performing Arts, ICK Amsterdam and DeSchool

About the maker

Reza Mirabi is a choreographer, visual artist, storyteller, and seed keeper, with a background in horticulture, ecological activism, and seed preservation projects in Iran, Kurdistan, India, Germany and Portugal. Mirabi holds a BA in Fine Arts from the University of Mumbai and graduated from DAS Choreography, Master program at the University of the Arts in Amsterdam.


"Music from cello, string instruments, and electronics accompanies Mirabi’s performance, which is simultaneously a reflection on contemporary Iran. It is intriguing and fascinating how the stones seem to come to life through Mirabi’s voice..." Theaterkrant