A Shadow Can See
Wed 31 Jul ’2401:00De Parade, UtrechtFrascati Producties on tourTheater Kikker
Thu 1 Aug ’2401:00De Parade, UtrechtFrascati Producties on tourTheater Kikker
Fri 2 Aug ’2401:00De Parade, UtrechtFrascati Producties on tourTheater Kikker
Sat 3 Aug ’2401:00De Parade, UtrechtFrascati Producties on tourTheater Kikker
Sun 4 Aug ’2401:00De Parade, UtrechtFrascati Producties on tourTheater Kikker
Fri 16 Aug ’2401:00De Parade, AmsterdamFrascati Producties on tourTheater Kikker
Sat 17 Aug ’2401:00De Parade, AmsterdamFrascati Producties on tourTheater Kikker
Sun 18 Aug ’2401:00De Parade, AmsterdamFrascati Producties on tourTheater Kikker
Mon 19 Aug ’2401:00De Parade, AmsterdamFrascati Producties on tourTheater Kikker
Tue 20 Aug ’2401:00De Parade, AmsterdamFrascati Producties on tourTheater Kikker
Wed 18 Sep ’2421:00PremièreFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
Thu 19 Sep ’2421:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
performer & schrijver Gavin-Viano percussionisten Ritmo Entertainment videokustenaar Wes Broersen animator & beeld trailer Viktor Adriaansens geluidsman Danny van der Lugt lichtontwerper Maarten Hietbrink producers Donna Lugassy & Sennes dramaturg Martine Manten choreografie Jasmin Suarez en Renzo Pepers productieleider Jostha Delima co-producenten Theaterfestival de Parade, Frascati Producties, Feikes Huis & Wisdom Lanes met dank aan Cultuurfonds, Volkskracht, Gemeente Rotterdam, Fonds Podiumkunsten, SENA
About Gavin-Viano
In the summer of 2020, Gavin-Viano graduated as a director from the Maastricht Theater Academy. For his graduation performance Ach Mijn Wederhalf, he received the DNA Next Stimuleringsprijs in 2020.
In order to make Dutch theater more accessible he tries to involve communities that do not naturally get a voice. He achieves this by telling non-Western stories, often opting for an anti-white-male-gaze perspective and consciously looking for the intersectionality of his characters. In this way he creates a world in which language, movement and music merge into a whole and where humor forms the cement between the building blocks.
Gavin-Viano has been associated with Frascati Productions since 2021. With his first Frascati production, he developed Ach Mijn Wederhalf into a trilogy. The second Frascati production Bloodscent was selected for the Dutch Theater Festival.