The Goldfish Bleeding Takes Over Het Verbond: Pop-up spoken word workshop

Thais di Marco // Het Verbond
Fri 10 Nov ’23 19:00
Spoken word workshop by Rufino Henriquez and open mic for those who want to share their texts with the audience.
Fri 10 Nov ’23
  • Fri 10 Nov ’23
    Frascati, Amsterdam
    Het Verbond
    Past event

This is a program surrounding The Goldfish Bleeding in a Sea of Sharks Christmas Special, for which you can buy a separate ticket here. The performance follows with a Mini BIXARIA afterparty (free entrance). For the Pop-up spoken word workshop you claim your EUR 0,- ticket via the ticket button on this page.

19:00 - 20:00 Pop-up spoken word workshop
20:00 - 21:00 Open mic
21:00 - 22:00 Performance - not included, buy ticket here
22:00 - 01:00 Mini BIXARIA afterparty

19:00 Pop-up spoken word workshop - claim your EUR 0,- ticket via ticket button on this page

We are happy to invite you for the Pop-Up spoken word workshop with Rufino Henriquez. We will focus on poetic words for solidarity and liberation of people suffering colonial and neo-colonial military expansion. During this open session, Rufino will guide us through how to transform revolt, feelings, wishes, and needs into poetic protesting words. We will write poems and texts that can be shared with each other in an act of collective mourning, inspiration, activation and dreaming of the end of colonization in its multiple forms.*

Rufino Henriquez is a Queer Dutch Caribbean artist with a focus on text. He deals with text by singing, rapping, poetry, writing and acting! Creating and expressing art is very much a decolonial and spiritual practice where you can work through your hurdles/traumas. @rufinohenriquez

The texts you create are yours and you have final say over who gets to witness and critique! Feel invited to let go of your inhibitions and say how you've truly been feeling in this session where we play with words together!  

You can let us know you’re joining the workshop by booking a free spot.  Join us if you want a warming up evening little-thing with a lot of feminine vocals saying everything no one is brave enough to say! 

20:00 Open mic

Later in the bar there will be an Open Mic for those who want to share the texts with the larger audience arriving for the beginning of The Goldfish Bleeding in a Sea of Sharks. Performance time! 

21:00 Performance The Goldfish Bleeding in a Sea of Sharks - not included, buy ticket here

The Goldfish Bleeding in a Sea of Sharks is a long term multidisciplinary art project which includes, but is not limited to, performance pieces (the evening is never the same!), panel series, workshops, publication, research trip, party and more! The project already has around 30 artists involved. The performances take form in a extravagant wrestling show.

For the christmas special, we are thrilled to announce that our superhero Saint Nikloaca is arriving from Ibiza after a whole summer of psy-trance and spiritual awakening to apologize for his past wrongdoing finally; exploiting collaborators and convincing young entrepreneurs to open a Stichting. He also has a new proposal for the future…

Let’s see if Saint Nikloaca will accomplish his mission or if a special surprise opponent is ready to tell him what no one is brave enough to say!

22:00 Mini BIXARIA afterparty - free entrance/no reservation needed

At BIXARIA, queerness is celebrated in a Brazilian way; resisting and celebrating at the same time; embracing those who move their bodies however they want as they move inside their true house: Planet Earth. BIXARIA is a project that dreamed of liberating the artists from neoliberal corporate language and harmful production systems that create competition, disunion, gate-keeping, appropriation, extraction, centralization and much more.  

Are you already missing BIXARIA? Mother Lucía is going to Brazil for a couple of months, the Patroa is busy trying to make more and more business. But we can have a few hours to be together soon again! The new BIXA in the team will make her opening set statement.  
DJ Galecta is a Brazilian DJ who masterfully bridges different baile funk sounds with electronic/house. With a heart set on uniting people through sound, she fills her sets with influences from her Brazilian heritage and her encounters with different genres of music

  • The spoken word session is open to anyone, but centered for those belonging to oppressed/diasporic backgrounds, that were impacted by colonial and neo-colonial forms of military expansion.