Holland Festival: Epitaph

Ed Atkins (UK)
Sun 18 Jun ’23 21:00
Only live work of the artist Ed Atkins.
Sun 18 Jun ’23
  • Sun 18 Jun ’23
    Frascati, Amsterdam
    Frascati 1
    Past event

The artist Ed Atkins stuns with his live presence in his only live work. He will attempt an adequate recitation of the poem The Morning Roundup from G. Sorrentino with songs and histrionics.

Ed Atkins has made a new version of his performance piece Epitaph for the Holland Festival. It is Atkins’ only live work, which is given a new title with every performance. Epitaph shows Atkins’ attempt at an adequate recitation of the poem The Morning Roundup (1971) from the New York author Gilbert Sorrentino with singing and histrionics throughout.

  • Duration: 45 min
  • Language: English
  • Podiumpas not valid at Holland Festival


concept Ed Atkins