The Zone
Wed 19 Apr ’2319:30 - 22:30Doorlopende installatie van 19:30 - 22:30Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
Thu 20 Apr ’2319:30 - 22:30Doorlopende installatie van 19:30 - 22:30Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
concept Marijn Brussaard performance Barnaby Savage, Niek van Oosterweyck production Lena Meijer technical Manuel Botreur advice Nikola Knežević co-production/residencies The Grey Space in the Middle, Zaal 3, Lente Kabinet, Workspacebrussels, Come Together/GREENHOUSE, Theater Artemis supported by AFK/Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten
About Marijn Brussaard
Multidisciplinary artist Marijn Brussaard (Amsterdam, 1993) works with performance, video-installation and electronic music. Brussaard is conceptually and musically driven. In his work he researches and reflects on the theatrics of modern-day phenomena such as pop culture and internet aesthetics. He finds that the tension and drama often lie in the inconsistencies and paradoxes of these subjects. His pieces can be described as form-experiments that are often poetic, humorous or absurd by nature. The contrasts between what is real and synthetic or hyperreal are a recurrent theme in his work.