Beginnings: Double bill
Thu 27 Oct ’2220:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
Fri 28 Oct ’2220:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
Sat 29 Oct ’2220:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
There's a word missing in the world
by/ from / with David Roos & Tabor Idema
However strange this may seem - we continued to move
concept and direction Maja Grzeczka co-creation and performance Matteo Rita Bifulco, Estefano Romani music Matteo Rita Bifulco
About David Roos & Tabor Idema
Tabor Idema (IJmuiden, 1999) and David Roos (Amsterdam, 2000) graduated together from Toneelacademie Maastricht institute of performative arts in 2022, as a performer and an actor respectively. Moving between mime, text-based theatre and performance art, they investigate how two people relate to one another, and to the space they find themselves in. Their work is an ongoing duel, in search of a common understanding. They are interested in themes such as language and images, reconciliation and rejection, truth and misunderstanding. They have previously presented work at the Love At First Sight Festival in Antwerp and the Jonge Harten Festival in Groningen.
David Roos has previously worked with Simon Stone, Ivo van Hove and Ontroerend Goed, among others. Tabor Idema has previously created works that have been shown at the Limburg Biënnale 2022 and the Walk Listen and Create Festival in Prespa (GR). Alongside their individual paths, David and Tabor continue as a makers’ duo.
About Maja Grzeczka
Maja Grzeczka is an Amsterdam-based Polish theatre-maker and performer. After obtaining her bachelor’s degree in Dance and Body Studies at the Poznan University of Social Sciences (2015), she moved to the Netherlands to study Mime at the Amsterdam School of the Arts, from which she graduated in 2020 and where she’s currently working as a teacher in movement research.
In the work of Maja (Grzeczka), different contemporary dance and improvisation techniques form the backbone of a layered, raw, and unpolished vocabulary. As a performer, she’s worked with Schweigman&, Wild Vlees and Marcelo Evelin (Demolition Incorporada), among others. In particular, the collaboration with Demolition Incorporada played a significant role in the development of her own language as a young theatre-maker.