Fri 4 Nov ’2220:30Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
Sat 5 Nov ’2220:30Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
Wed 8 Mar ’2320:30Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
Thu 9 Mar ’2320:30Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
choreography Amos Ben-Tal music Ludwig van Beethoven Ragazze Quartet Rosa Arnold, Jeanita Vriens-van Tongeren – violin, Annemijn Bergkotte – viola, Rebecca Wise – cello dancers Alex Blondeau, Luca Cacitti, Wolf Govaerts, Xanthe van Opstal, Adam Khazhmuradov, Aurélie Cayla composition and live electronics Salvador Breed custom software and live electronics Poul Holleman spatial sound design 4DSOUND artistic advice Yvan Dubreuil rehearsal assistant Christophe Dozzi light Xavier van Wersch costumes Min Li executive producers Naomi Russell, Roland Spekle production OFFprojects, Ragazze Quartet co-production Beethovenfest Bonn partners Amare, Nederlands Dans Theater and Het Nationale Theater
With financial support of Gemeente Den Haag, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Fonds Podiumkunsten, NORMA Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds.
OFFprojects is a collective that creates interdisciplinary performances and installations with dance, music, image and word. It consists of former dancers from the Nederlands Dans Theater and Batsheva Ensemble who gather around the work of choreographer and musician Amos Ben-Tal. Their most recent performance Interval was nominated for De Zwaan in 2022 for the most impressive dance production.
Click here to read more about OFFprojects.
Ragazze Quartet
Ragazze Quartet plays classical and modern string quartets: passionate and at the highest level. With high-profile programmes, the quartet has developed into one of the most fresh and leading voices in classical music.
Click here to read more about Raggaze.
Salvador Breed
Salvador Breed creates sound, music and technology for a wide variety of contexts such as live performances, fashion shows, video art and interactive art installations. Co-founder of the sound company 4DSOUND, he specialises in composing space as an important element of soundtracks. He has worked with, among others: Iris van Herpen, Nanine Linning, Biosphere, Chanel and Red Bull.
Click here to read more about Salvador Breed.