© Eva Roefs

Beginnings apr 2025: Double bill

Fran Vozila / Sîpan Sezgin Tekin / Frascati Producties
Thu 10 Apr ’25 - Sat 12 Apr ’25
Experience two completely different performances with one ticket.
Thu 10 Apr ’25
Sat 12 Apr ’25

In Beginnings Frascati Producties shows the theatrical research of new talent. After a month of work Fran Vozila and Sîpan Sezgin Tekin present a first test during a double bill from Thursday 10th to Saturday 12t of April.

Svetlana - Fran Vozila / Frascati Producties 

Svetlana is an atmospheric production on unconditionality that does not involve love. On apathy and conviction. A constellation of people that resembles a family. On what is vulgar, and inexplicably attractive.

This production is a documentary from the place where rituals have no opportunity to arise. A place with nuances of the East, where four people are located. People who have nothing to do with one another, yet are inseparably connected. There is no void that has to be filled. Utopia is a place where everything has already collapsed.

About Fran Vozila

Fran Vozila graduated in Mime from the Academy of Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam in 2024. His work sets out from the fact that a lack is a precondition for the creation of something new. A world that feels like a warm dystopia in that sense is a proposal, a speculation, a fantasy offering both comfort and challenges in relation to the reality we take for granted.

Theatre is by nature artificial. By not seeking to escape from this artificiality, but embracing it instead, he goes in search of the honesty within the lie of what theatre is.

In 2021, Fran performed in the Beginnings production Things when they’re gone by Gerben Vaillant / Frascati Producties.

A , I , U or U , A , I  or I , U , A or whatever - Sîpan Sezgin Tekin / Frascati Producties

A TONGUE once spoken, now only an echo,
A TONGUE was an echo, now only spoken
Yet in the hush of silence,
a whisper lingers—
a meaning appears 
a voice refusing to vanish
a song buried, but still alive
a meaning arrives, but already expired

In A , I , U or U , A , I or I , U , A or whatever Sîpan Sezgin Tekin investigates how meaning is transmitted through the resonance and movement of basic vowels.  Driven by the urge to find a potentially ‘universal’ performative language he uses various aspects of vocalization and sound. Where does vibration become sound and sound become word? 

In this associative solo, he focuses on the moment when meaning emerges—how an intended sound can be understood without fully transforming into a word. Using a variety of mediums such as sound, light, darkness, visuals, rhythm, and vocal experimentation, Sîpan attempts to embody meaning that transcends conventional forms of communication.

About Sîpan Sezgin Tekin 

Sîpan Sezgin Tekin (Amed/Kurdistan, 1996) is an actor, performer, and director exploring political and historical narratives through language. His work examines multilingualism, identity, and borders, blending fiction and reality. Using performance as shared experience, he experiments with oral traditions, audience participation, and multimedia to create immersive theatrical/performative concepts. Sipan previously appeared at Frascati during Fringe with The Absent Academy and TOWER.


concept, text and performance Fran Vozila performers Ruth Borg, QiQi van Boheemen, Jan Taks thanks to Tim van Dongen

A , I , U or U , A , I  or I , U , A or whatever 
concept, text and performance Sîpan Sezgin Tekin outside eyes Agat Sharma and Neslihan Kaymak