More of Less of Me

Jef Uyttenhove & Simon Kleinhesselink / Toneelacademie Maastricht
Thu 20 Mar ’25 and Fri 21 Mar ’25
What becomes of the arts when everything is reduced to a product?
Thu 20 Mar ’25
Fri 21 Mar ’25

Two evenings in a row Jef Uyttenhove and Simon Kleinhesselink can be seen with More or Less of Me with which they will graduate from the Maastricht Theater Academy. More of Less of Me is a conceptual performance disguised as a dance show, delving into hyper-capitalism.

In the search for perfection, two performers repeat the same choreography over and over. A voice-over provides the choreography with reflective commentary, provoking thought about entertainment culture and commodification. In More of Less of Me, the stage becomes a playing field where the performers constantly strive to surpass themselves. The façade expands through an excess of positivity, while the virtuously synchronized dance raises questions about artificiality and the pursuit of perfection in an increasingly commercialized world.

  • Duration: 60 mins. 


concept en text Jef Uyttenhove en Simon Kleinhesselink with Jente Jonkhoff, Jef Uyttenhove en Simon Kleinhesselink lightning design Solar Vlaar poster Anaëlle Enjalbert thanks to Bart van den Eynde, Princess Bangura, Milou van Duijnhoven, Lisi Estaras, Demi Dijstelberge, Julius van der Laan, Laura Dreyer, Thomas Rivas Smits, Danny Vrijens, Marc Zwietink en Jean-Paul Caelen