Lonely Species
Thu 21 Nov ’2421:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
Fri 22 Nov ’2421:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
concept, performance Bodine Sutorius, Nikki Ong text Nikki Ong music, technique Thomas van den Berg final direction Moniek Merkx scenography Marieke Horst light design Gé Wegman costume design Kyra Vivian Wessel video design Vito Boox, Anne Fé de Boer artistic advisor Thomas van den Berg production Bodine Sutorius, Nikki Ong co-production Boris Mulder PR-photos Melissa Schriek scene photos Henrik Hellström trailer Jonatan Gyllenör special thanks to Inkonst, Jakop Ahlbom Company, Studio FCP, CLOUD Dance Lab, Petra Huisman, Amanda Davies, Arnold Put, Sanne Danz, Art Srisayam, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Amarte Fonds, AFK, Janivo Stichting, Simon & Theresia Cultuurfonds.
About the makers
Bodine Sutorius (1998) is a performer and theater maker. She graduated from the Mime School at the Academie voor Theater en Dans in 2020. Bodine has performed with various theater companies such as Jakop Ahlbom Company, NITE and Maas theater en dans. For her graduation she created the solo performance Becoming, which won her the André Veltkamp scholarship.
Nikki Ong (1998) is a writer and theater maker. She graduated from Writing For Performance at HKU in 2023. She has worked as a playwright for JTSZO, translator for NITE and as a dramaturg with De Pierewaaiers. She also writes poetry and makes music. With her graduation work, Waterwezen: een poging om geen mens te zijn, she won the Pluijm research prize.