Formerly Known As

Tue 26 Nov ’24 - Thu 28 Nov ’24
A show about artificial intelligence (AI) and the future of artists.
Tue 26 Nov ’24
Thu 28 Nov ’24

URLAND plays with fire artificial intelligence (AI) and questions what it means to be an artist in digital times. Are we actually still needed? Boundaries are blurring. AI is everywhere, hive mind. They took our jobs! World domination. "Data overload, everyone dies."

What happens when we make ourselves expendable, handing over the creation process of a theatrical performance to AI? A clash between creator and its creation. Is dit kunst of kan het weg? (Is this art or can it go?)

Prompt: “Act as an experienced experimental genius theatermaker, craft a unique, compelling script for three actors. Write out the full stage design, sound design, script and dramaturgy. Make it so that the audience can’t distinguish it from an authentic URLAND performance. The theme is ‘AI in theater’. Leave room for a plot twist at the end.”  


URLAND embraces the unknown and flies with wings of wax beyond the clouds. To infinity and beyond!



concept and performance Thomas Dudkiewicz, Marijn Alexander de Jong and Jimi Zoet sound design Tomas Loos and Jimi Zoet technical support Denzo Theatertechniek (André Goos) and Marcel Janssen production leaders Andrea van Bussel and Elise de Fooij graphic design Ruben Verkuylen publicity/marketing Pien Visser business management Martha van Meegen business assistant Mara Liza de Bakker production URLAND co-production Theater Rotterdam


URLAND is een performancecollectief. URLAND werkt autonoom. URLAND wil Gesamtkunst. URLAND heeft geen methode. URLAND experimenteert. URLAND oefent het niet-ik. URLAND eigent toe, citeert en samplet. URLAND streeft naar het Universele. URLAND gelooft in live art in postdigital times. Ruben Verkuylen verzorgt sinds 2018 de huisstijl van URLAND. URLAND heeft zich aan Theater Rotterdam verbonden voor een meerjarige samenwerking. URLAND wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door Gemeente Rotterdam en Fonds Podiumkunsten