Holland Festival: The Very Last Northern White Rhino
Fri 21 Jun ’2419:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
Sat 22 Jun ’2419:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
Sun 23 Jun ’2419:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
concept Gaston Core director Gaston Core choreography Gaston Core, Oulouy performer Oulouy collaboration Aina Alegre design film production Alice Brazzit photography Alice Brazzit music Jorge da Rocha lights Ivan Cascon styling Eva Bernal technical coordination Manu Ordenavia production Mayte Luque co-production Sala Hiroshima, Festival GREC of Barcelona with the support of Centre Cívic Barceloneta
About the maker
Gaston Core (Buenos Aires, 1979) trained as a performer and studied audio-visual communication at the University of Buenos Aires. He established himself in Europe in 2001 and completed the Dramaturgy and Direction programme in Barcelona. From 2008, he worked with various companies as a cultural manager. Between 2012 and 2021 he chose to devote himself exclusively to the Sala Hiroshima project, in which he focussed on supporting, producing and exhibiting the most innovative trends of the international contemporary scene.
In 2018, he took part in a master’s programme in Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. Afterwards, he returned as director, playwright and choreographer of the Diptych of the Desert, comprising a solo work (The Very Last Northern White Rhino) and a group work (Chorus).