Dziady (Forefathers Eve)

Maria Magdalena Kozłowska & Bjørk Delcroix Semey & Jan Tomza-Osiecki // Het Verbond
Tue 31 Oct ’23 20:00
A celebration of Dziady in the spirit of the XXI century.
Tue 31 Oct ’23
  • Tue 31 Oct ’23
    Frascati, Amsterdam
    Het Verbond
    Past event

Dziady is the title of a poetic drama by Adam Mickiewicz and one of the most prolific literary writings of the Polish Romanticism era. It's been known to never lose its power of reflecting the aura of the times, somehow always staying up to date.  Celebrate Dziady in the spirit of the XXI century with Maria Magdalena Kozłowska and Bjork Delcroix-Semey.

Dziady in Polish, known as Dzyady in Belarusian, Dedy in Russian, Didy in Ukrainian, and Ilgės in Lithuanian, is a concept deeply rooted in Slavic folklore. The term encapsulates the spirits of the ancestors and a collection of pre-Christian traditions and rituals dedicated to them. 

In the rich tapestry of Slavic culture, Dziady serves as a reminder of the enduring connection between the living and the dead, the present and the past. It symbolizes the respect and veneration for the forefathers and the foremothers, recognizing their role in shaping the course of our history, heritage, and identity.

On the Forefathers Eve, we want to invite you for a celebration of Dziady in the spirit of the XXI century. Through a performative concert, we will invoke the spirit of Mickiewicz's piece, as well as smaller and more mundane ghosts. 

Book your free spot and bring a bite

Instead of buying a ticket (just book your spot!), bring a bite of something significant to you - a dish that your grandma used to make, your favorite vegetable of the Fall, or simply a bottle of wine and a snack. Share it with the spirits and other participants. 

  • Duration: 20:00-21:00 performative program, 21:00-22:00 bites and drinks
    Location: Het Verbond, Nes 71, Amsterdam