FUNK: A Cosmic Horizon
Wed 15 Nov ’2321:00Try-outFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
Thu 16 Nov ’2321:00PremièreFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
Fri 17 Nov ’2321:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
Sat 18 Nov ’2321:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 2
concept and choreography Christian Guerematchi performance Revé Terborg, Aaron Faneyte, Ummi Yanuba Rentería Wouters, Bryan Nurhakim music Chelsea Laverne image and scenography Studio10.04- Markus Sacharias lighting design Thomas Brand costume Jonathan Ho text Gita Hacham courtesy of Stichting Dansgroep Amsterdam a co-production of ICK Dans Amsterdam and Stichting Kindvol.
About Christian Guerematchi
Christian Guerematchi (Slovenia, 1981) is a creator and performer with a ballet and contemporary background and is one of the artists in residence at ICK Artist Space. In his work, Christian Guerematchi looks at how fragments of history carry black culture further. He did this in 2022 with the piece 'Hissy Fit' in which he viewed the resounding echo of the LA Riots in 1992 from the afro pessimism of author Frank B. Wilderson III. Wilderson describes a centuries-long cycle of violence that keeps black people under control.
With 'N.A.M.: 'Non Aligned Movement' in 2020, Guerematchi created an afro-futuristic world in which he unraveled the meaning of black European identity as black president Tito of Yugoslavia. Now with FUNK he connects the two concepts: afro pessimism and afrofuturism. He contrasts the hopelessness of Afro-Pessimism according to Frantz Fanon in 'Black Skin, White Masks' with the Afro-futuristic and the escapist poetry of Sun Ra.