She was a friend of someone else
Fri 3 Nov ’2320:30Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
Sat 4 Nov ’2320:30Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
concept, text & direction Gosia Wdowik collaboration in dramaturgy Maria Rössler visuals & creative technology Jimmy Grimma set design Dominika Olszowy & Tomasz Mróz light design Aleksandr Prowaliński performed by Oneka von Schrader, Gosia Wdowik & Jaśmina Polak work with/by Agnieszka, Dominika, Jaśmina, Ania, Urszula, Marta K., Justyna, Natalia, Julia, Martyna, Ola, Małga, Krystyna, Marta, Zosia, Edka, Doris, Yulia, Agata, Kinga, Beata, Iza, Zuza, Ewa & Magda concept & implementation of the theatrical reconstruction of the collective abortion coming out TERAZ POLIŻ (Marta Jalowska, Dorota Glac, Kamila Worobiej), Martyna Wawrzyniak & Gosia Wdowik special thanks to Jan Tomza-Osiecki, Marta Jalowska, Dorota Glac, Kamila Worobiej, Martyna Wawrzyniak, Marta Nawrot, Keerthi Basavarajaiah & Justin Schembri production NOWY TEATR (Warsaw) & CAMPO (Ghent) coproduction Nowy Teatr, Frascati Producties, Kunstenfestival Desarts, Campo, Dublin theatre festival, SPRING Performing Arts Festival, Hellerau
The press on She was a friend of someone else
"She was a friend of someone else raises issues we rarely think about yet."
pzazz"Wdowik invites us into a sluggish, dense and torpid world made of spilled glasses, heavy limbs and even heavier bedcovers in which everything is literally fuming with exhaustion."
Persinsala Teatro"Poignant to see how role-affirming increasing conservatism is; how women must constantly fight for their position and freedom. In She was a friend of someone else, Wdowik exposes it as alarmingly as it is disillusioned.""With a powerful dramaturgy and a minimalist direction, Polish theatre-maker Gosia Wdowik explores the link between burnout and activism."
i.c.a.p."How do you keep fighting for something that can disappear at any moment?"
De Standaard
About Gosia Wdowik
Gosia Wdowik is a theatre-maker and active member of GILDIA (the Union of Polish Theatre-makers). She completed the master’s programme at DAS Theatre Academy of Theatre and Dance. During her studies she worked on the topic of burn-out and investigated the space between being exhausted and self-determination by applying methods drawn from activism to her practice. A major question for Wdowik is how to create change and productions from an exhausted body and a burning necessity.