Afrovibes: The East African Bolero

Wesley Ruzibiza (DRC)
Wed 4 Oct ’23 and Thu 5 Oct ’23
African spirituality and the lightness of modern dance
Wed 4 Oct ’23
Thu 5 Oct ’23

Ruzibiza's East African Bolero combines the power of African spirituality with the abstraction of modern dance. 

Who does not know the exhilarating music of Ravel's Bolero. The Rwandan choreographer Ruzibiza abandoned the original conception of Bolero and transformed it into a mythical African creation story about the world and the first people. His East African Bolero begins with ethereal sounds from Ravel's Bolero, the voice of a narrator about the tale of creation and electronic music by Chandresh Kudwa. His Bolero ends with Ravel's original score in an apotheosis of dance, music, colour and polyphonic movement. Eight dancers from Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania fuse the polyphony in traditional East African dances into a contemporary modern dance set to the rhythm of the Bolero. The beginning and ending of this East African Bolero is the circle of dancers in a group alluding to the element of togetherness in African myths. Ruzibiza's East African Bolero combines the power of African spirituality with the abstraction of modern dance. Previously seen at Théâtre de la Faïencerie Creil 2022, Théâtre Paris-Villette Paris 2022

  • Duration: 45 min. 
  • With the purchase of two or more tickets to a production of the Afrovibes Festival, you will receive a discount of 5 euros per ticket. This discount option will be added to the various ticket choices and you can select it yourself.
  •  we 4 oct 22:30 - 00:00 Afterparty with DJ Lovesupreme


choreography Wesley Ruzibiza external advice Vincent Harisdo dancers Pirimo Hamza, Lucas Katangila, Samuel Kwizera, Samwel Silas Japhet, Tadhi Alawi, Frank Mugisha, Abdoulrahim Mujyambere, Yannick Kamanzi / Rwanda, 2021

In de pers

“Scheppingsverhaal verendigt de mens op het ritme van de bolero.” Theaterkrant