A sense of an ending
Thu 6 Apr ’2320:00Try-outFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Fri 7 Apr ’2320:00Try-outFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Sat 8 Apr ’2320:00PremièreFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Wed 12 Apr ’2320:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Thu 13 Apr ’2320:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Fri 14 Apr ’2320:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Sat 15 Apr ’2320:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
performed by Annabel Koele, Hidde Aans-Verkade, Tim van Dongen, Anou Maarsingh, Gustav Marcus Lauesen music Timon Persoon scenography Thomas Maas dramaturgy Francesca Lazzeri special thanks to ICK Amsterdam, Festival Cement, AHK Mime-opleiding Amsterdam, Marijn de Langen
About Gerben Vaillant
Gerben Vaillant (1994) is an interdisciplinary performance artist. During his studies of mime (at AHK Amsterdam University of the Arts), he developed a fascination for making productions centred around the distance between man and reality: where people do not manage to be (part of) a whole. Sensitive and radical in equal measure, he works with a range of forms: text, dance, image, philosophy, trash – it’s always open-ended, frequently atmospheric, and sometimes confusing. He hopes eventually to contribute to a representation of reality in a way makes it suit us better.
Gerben often works with composer and sound-designer Timon Persoon. This intensive collaboration ensures that music and images drive one another to greater heights. Together, they create an almost cinematographic universe, which expands further with each production. They also link their individual productions and pieces of music.
Gerben presented his study Things when they're gone at Beginnings in 2021; in 2022 he expanded this into the Frascati production The Other Everything.