A Invenção da Maldade / The Invention of Evilness
Thu 30 Mar ’2320:30NL PremièreFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
Fri 31 Mar ’2320:30Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
a piece by Marcelo Evelin/Demolition Incorporada concept and choreography Marcelo Evelin creation and performance Bruno Moreno, Elliot Dehaspe, Maja Grzeczka, Márcio Nonato, Rita Bifulco, Rosângela Sulidade and Sho Takiguchi sound Design and Technical direction Sho Takiguchi dramaturgy Carolina Mendonça research collaboration in philosophy Jonas Schnor collaboration Christine Greiner and Loes Van der Pligt photography and Video Maurício Pokemon production Director Regina Veloso / Demolition Incorporated (Br) and Sofia Matos / Materiais Diversos (Pt) production assistant Gui Fontineles production-touring Andrez Guizze + Regina Veloso agency and diffusion CAMPO / Brazil + Materiais Diversos/ abroad co-production HAU – Hebbel Am Ufer (De), Festival d'Automne à Paris / CND - Centre National de la Danse (Fr), Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (De), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Be) and Teatro Municipal do Porto / Festival DDD – Dias da Dança (Pt) support Rumos Itaú Cultural 2017-2018 (Br), MIME School - Academy of Theatre and Dance (Amsterdam, Nl) and Xing/Live Arts Week (It) creation in residence at CAMPO Arte Contemporânea, Teresina-Piauí-Brasil (Br)
About Marcelo Evelin
Marcelo Evelin, born in Piauí (Brazil), is a choreographer, researcher and performer. He lives and works in both Amsterdam and Teresina (Brazil). Marcelo has lived in Europe since 1986. He works in dance and on projects with artists from different countries in physical theatre, music, video, installations and the occupation of specific spaces.
He is an independent maker with his company Demolition Incorporada, founded in 1995, and teaches at the Mime School in Amsterdam, where he also supports students in their creative processes. He leads workshops and cooperative projects throughout Europe, as well as in the US, Africa, Japan, South America and Brazil, to which country he returned in 2006. Since then, he has also acted as a manager and curator. In Teresina he set up Núcleo do Dirceu (2006-2013), an independent artists’ collective and research and development platform for contemporary performing arts.
Together with cultural manager Regina Veloso, in March 2016 he established CAMPO in Teresina. CAMPO is a space for the creation, practice and dissemination of art and related disciplines, as well as the studio for Demolition Incorporada. His productions Matadouro (2010) and Suddenly Everything is Black with People (2012) have been performed in more than 18 countries and are still touring.
The performative event Batucada (2014), involving more than 300 performers of various nationalities, is still spreading across the world. His latest creation, Dança Doente/Sick Dance, was inspired by the universe of Tatsumi Hijikata/JP. This premièred in May 2017 at the Kunsten Festival des Arts [MWB2] in Belgium and has toured Europe, Brazil and Japan.