Dead Skin
Thu 1 Dec ’2220:00Try-outFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Fri 2 Dec ’2220:00Try-outFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Sat 3 Dec ’2220:00PremièreFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Wed 7 Dec ’2220:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Thu 8 Dec ’2220:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Fri 9 Dec ’2220:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Sat 10 Dec ’2220:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
concept & performance Maria Magdalena Kozłowska double bass & performance Bjørk Delcroix Semey costumes and scenography Jan Tomza-Osiecki tailor Mathild Clerc-Verhoeven light designer Pablo Fontdevila music Maria Magdalena Kozłowska and Bjørk Delcroix Semey technique Attila Nemeth final direction Renée Copraij photography Marcin Kaminski financial support Ammodo
About the maker
In her work, director, singer, and performer Maria Magdalena Kozłowska (PL/NL) explores the connecting and revolutionary potential of the human voice. With classical singing, music, video, visual art, and live performance, she creates performances and interventions that bridge the gap between individual and society, tradition and transition, past, present, and future.
Maria has been associated with Frascati Producties since 2021 and her first production COMMUNE has premiered the same year. Dead Skin is her second performance at Frascati Producties.
In the media
"Speaking with the artist in light of her upcoming work — we investigated the humour in fashion and the depth in which “things” can play a role in our lives." Glamcult in conversation with Maria Magdalena Kozłowska
"I get inspired by everyday sounds, like the sound of a leaking fridge." interview with Het Parool
"...overall intelligent commentary and tribute to the feminist movements in Poland." Movement Exposed about COMMUNE