Natural Drama
Tue 8 Nov ’2221:00NL premiereFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
Wed 9 Nov ’2221:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 1
concept, choreography, text, and performance Sorour Darabi dramaturgy Lynda Rahal sound design Pablo Altar Light Design and Scenography Yannick Fouassier Setting, Accessories and Costume Design Alicia Zaton and Marine Peyraud assisted by Juliette Ritter on an original idea by Sorour Darabi Stage Management Jean-Marc Ségalen and Selma Benramdane Vocal Coach Pierre Derycke Thanks to Thélia Merchadou-Pineau (for the help in the search for collaborators), Pierre Renard Executive production Météores Administration, production Charlotte Giteau Production, tour Anaïs Guilleminot Coproduction Centre national de la danse – CN D Pantin Festival d’Automne à Paris ICI-CCN Montpellier – Occitanie / Pyrénées Méditerranée dans le cadre du projet Europe Creative Life Long Burning financé par l’Union européenne ; Réseau L’Echangeur – CDCN Hauts-de- France WEB : La maison de la danse CDCN Uzès Gard Occitanie, WP Zimmer, Beursschouwburg, Black Box Theater, Tanzquartier Wien, Frascati Producties PICA (Portland Institute of Contemporary Art) With the support of DRAC – Ile de France and SPEDIDAM Studio space grants :Ballet du Nord – CCN Roubaix Hauts de France, Centre national de danse ANGERS, Stuk Kunstencentrum Louvain, Agora/Montpellier danse, Trauma Bar & Kino
About Sorour Darabi
Sorour Darabi is a self-taught Iranian artist living and working in France since 2013. Working actively in Iran, they were part of the underground organisation ICCD, whose festival Untimely (Teheran) hosted their work before their departure for France. They address in their pieces the transformation through time and cohabitation with the environment, and the notions of language, gender identity, sexuality, and vulnerability.
In 2013, they joined the Master Exerce at ICI-CCN in Montpellier, from which they graduated in 2015. In 2016, they created Farci.e, a solo dealing with notions of language, gender identity and sexuality. Their next piece, Savušun (2018), is an ode to affection, vulnerability and affected beings, which draws inspiration from Muharram's mourning ceremonies and addresses the issue of emotions: grief, fear and suffering. In 2020-2021, upon invitation from the Brussels Kunstenfestivaldesarts, they created Mowgli, inspired by the jungle as an infinite territory at the crossroads of contemporary myths.