Iris, pupil, retina, etc.
Thu 10 Nov ’2220:00NL premiereFrascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Fri 11 Nov ’2220:00Frascati, AmsterdamFrascati 4
Concept and direction Iggy Malmborg On stage Julie-Cecilie Solberg and Iggy Malmborg Dramaturge Johan Jönson Light design Ulrich Ruchlinski Effects Leo Thörn Set construction Ragnar Sletten Production management Elisabeth C Gmeiner Production assistant Betty Nilsen Trailer by Tobias Liljedahl Photos Alette Schei Rørvik, Johanna Malm and Arne Hauge Co-production Rosendal Teater (Trondheim), Black Box teater (Oslo), BIT-Teatergarasjen (Bergen) and Frascati Producties (Amsterdam). In collaboration with Inkonst (Malmö). Supported by Swedish arts council, Norwegian arts council, Region Skåne, FFUK, FFLB and Malmö City.
About Iggy Malmborg
Iggy Malmborg is a theatre maker and actor based in Malmö, Sweden. Though trained in traditional acting at the Theatre academy of Malmö, his pieces span a wide range of aesthetics and styles, performed both solo and collaborative. His main artistic interest is using the performance event as a model onto which the piece's discourse can be applied directly. Using strategies comparable to minimalism, he sheds light on the politics of theatre and reads it as a hierarchical machine with (unconscious) patterns of inclusion and exclusion. Over the years, Malmborgs works have gained international recognition and are celebrated for presenting a complex intellectual discourse in a concrete way, filled with humor and warmth.
Between 2013-2020 he was working in close collaboration with Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Tallinn), where he produced b o n e r (2014), 99 Words for Void a duo with Maike Lond (2015), Physics and Phantasma (2017) and Things in my mouth (2019). The works have been presented in festivals and venues such as Spielart (Münich), Baltic Circle (Helsinki), TnBA (Bordeaux), Auawirleben (Bern), Nanterre-Amandiers (Paris), FFT (Düsseldorf), Sophiensäle (Berlin), Oslo international theatre festival, Nowy Teatr (Warsaw), Kaai (Brussels) and Dublin Theatre Festival.
Since 2009, he has been collaborating with Johannes Schmit under the name White on White. During the season 17/18, they premiered Fuck me ! (we didn’t make it) and Tyskland at Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin.
During the 20/21 season, he continued to tour Physics and Phantasma and Things in my mouth. He also opened the sound installation No More at the Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia and produced the new performance piece ONE, ONE, TWO, THREE, FIVE for Kristiansands Art Hall, in collaboration with André Eiermann.
Check this
Once again Iggy Malmborg has managed to make a theatre piece that with minimal expressions produce maximal of impressions and content.