The Long Long Now

Max & Serge Gruson / Regie opleiding, Toneelacademie Maastricht
Wed 22 Jun ’22 18:00
“Here we are in the year zero-two-thousand-and-twenty-two, it’s been two hundred-and-fifty million years since the salt in this bottle came into existence, and it’s been two days since it went overdue.”
Wed 22 Jun ’22
  • Wed 22 Jun ’22
    Frascati, Amsterdam
    Frascati 2
    Past event

Sometimes it feels like everything is always happening, all at once... Like every event is concentrated in a single point in time that we call ‘now’. But how much time does ‘now’ encompass?

The Long Long Now is a performance installation that takes flight and offers a shift in perspective. It invites you to wonder what presence means in the present.

Max (Director, Toneelacademie Maastricht) and Serge (Master Scenography, HKU) are brothers with a shared fascination for technology, ecology and philosophy. After they both studied different programmes, they found each other in theatre. There they present visual, associative productions that move beyond disciplines. Their art is playfully dark, with a touch of serious idealism and loving irony. The Long Long Now is their first collaboration as co-creators. 

  • Duur: 30 min.
  • ENG gesproken
  • The performance is floor seated
Part of


created by Max Gruson & Serge Gruson voiced by Sarah Kaushik, Reg Gruson, Vitória Aquino, William Schaffels & Cecilia Thoden van Velzen

Max en Serge Gruson brengen filosofische gedachten over het voorbijgaan van de tijd én scenografie samen. Dat is tegelijk ook de paradox van de uitvoering: stilstand in de tijd bestaat niet, en dat dan toch willen uitbeelden. Zoiets kan in theater.
