Maria Magdalena Kozlowska (PL/NL) / Frascati Producties
a musical homage to protesting women.

Is opera political? Can it start a revolution? After all, voices are powerful tools, so shouldn't they be raised in the name of something?

COMMUNE is a gang of classical musicians coming together to celebrate feminine power through music. High-pitched voices and wind instruments become playful weapons against opportunism and binary oppositions. The ghost of a communist grandma appears to boost the enthusiasm: her virtuosic arias become a lesson in activism. The performers outline a joint action plan to face a hypothetical upcoming catastrophe.

COMMUNE is an eclectic, fast-paced, critical and ironic work that tackles urgent issues with humour, a musical tribute to protesting women. Inspired by the women's strike in Poland, Pussy Riot and hydro-feminism, it proposes new politics within the context of baroque and contemporary opera. Rosa Luxemburg meets Generation Z in a colourful and eccentric garden for a group therapy session where classical music becomes the shared language of dissent. COMMUNE speculates that real change starts with a shift in our collective subconsciousness. Opera to the people!

Premiere 11 november 2021


concept & regie Maria Magdalena Kozłowska performance Teresa Costa, Maria Magdalena Kozłowska, Beatrice Miniaci, Maayan Licht, Aleksandra Wtorek/Béatrice Picard music Teresa Costa, Maria Magdalena Kozłowska, Beatrice Miniaci costumes & set design Jan Tomza-Osiecki light design Julian Maiwald libretto Aldona Kopkiewicz, Maria Magdalena Kozłowska dramaturgy Aldona Kopkiewicz dramaturgical advice Tobias Kokkelmans production Frascati Producties

"...overall intelligent commentary and tribute to the feminist movements in Poland." Movement Exposed